
Friday, March 26, 2010

Button Woes

I hate sewing on buttons. The dress is done, I just need to get out the needles to hand stitch the hem and the buttons.
I love the dress though! So I'm going to try an experiment. I bought a men's shirt, I'm going to see if I can make the dress from that. Also since I just got the shirt at a thrift store for $2.50 it was actually cheaper than buying fabric...
I've been trying to get some stuff ready for my etsy shop's grand opening. I'm going to have a sale of some sort to celebrate, but I need to get everything organized and a few more things sewn before I can open shop.
T, the toddler, is sick so everyone in the house is miserable from lack of sleep. Last night I ended up making a 2am run to get infant tylenol. When I got home I just sat still in peace and quiet for 10 minutes. I almost pulled an all nighter sewing but decided sleep was the smarter option. I love my girls dearly but the thought of having even just 6 hours with no demands on my time makes me giddy. Too bad that's not going to happen in the foreseeable future.
I have several things to show off including a couple great tops and a couple dresses... But it'll have to wait. Coordinating the kids, camera and uploading is more than I can handle today.

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